Monday, February 9, 2009

At Least We Ain't Down Yet

Ok -men...let's go into the locker room with our heads held high, but make sure we hold our noses tight -men, cause it smells like something died in there; or maybe outside somewhere...remember, it  IS new jersey -right...ok, i'm really proud of you so far tonight -guys...for standing behind your goalie -although...that's how we lost that game so badly in dallas -cause all 5 of you guys were always
standing behind the goalie...there wasn't anyone else guarding in front of the net except lunnie...and he wasn't really on that night
to say the least...hell...i wound up driving on interstate 20, looking for that all night presbyterian church outside dallas
or was it episcopal
i can't remember
i blacked out everything from my youth
and appArently from the other night, too
cause when i saw the all night church  was closed, i just kept driving and driving and driving
then i turned onto i-10 and
then i wound up in phoenix arizona
the next night
right outside the building where the coyote's play
and they were just about ready to start playing
oh -i forget what team they were playing...some team that beat us earlier this season last year...pick one...and i went inside to get some advice fro the great one
but his wife said he was busy
and when i told her i'd been driving all night
she gave me a stack of money to put  a bet down in vegas for her
so i got back in the damn rental car
and drove up to vegas
believe me guys
i tried to get a bet down on blue
but they wouldn't take my bet
because there ain't no blue on a roulette wheel...shows you how much i know...
i heard one guy say red and another say black
so i said give 2 bucks on blue and the whole casino broke up
they even replayed it on the jumbotron
boy did i feel silly
so then i flew
oh -shit
i just realized that
i didn't return my rental car
it's still sitting in the short term parking
at  the one with the palms or the one with the sand
uhm...any of you guys have a deadbeat brother in law 
hanging around
who could fly out there and get my car back to the closest office...probably the airport...
well...let's not worry about that now
let's go back out on the ice
and give up no more than 2 goals
in the second
and hopefully score a couple
before this darn thing's over -eh?
hey gomie...ya think you could turn that music down a little?

1 comment:

  1. awesome. this team looks like it's got a real future with a coach like this.
